There are many ways to support our programs!
The Children’s Skin Disease Foundation operates solely on your generous gifts and donations. We are appreciative of such thoughtfulness and support for the children we serve. Your donation makes a difference in a child’s life. Thank you!
Monetary Donation
Your donation is tax-deductible.
Online: Please click on the "DONATE HERE" button above. To donate to a specific program, please write the name (for example: "Camp Wonder" or "Wonder Wish") in the "special instructions" portion before checkout.
Check: Please send a check to:
Children's Skin Disease Foundation
1600 South Main Street, Suite 325
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
If you want your donation to go to a specific program (Camp Wonder or Wonder Wish), please note that in the memo of the check.
In-memorium donation: please give us the recipients mailing address to send the notification. Please include that in your check enveloppe or the "special instructions" portion of the online donation system.
Buy a Wonder Duck
Wonder Duck became our official Camp Wonder mascot when a camper once said, 'I wish I was a duck so no one could see my skin.' At Camp Wonder, we don't see skin, we see character, and it was our mission from that day forward to make every camper feel normal, despite looking different. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of Wonder Duck go to CSDF to support Camp Wonder and Wonder Wish. You can also become a Wonder Ambassador by selling Wonder Duck and receive community service hours! Please visit www.wonderduckpal.com for more information and to get your new plush pal with a purpose!
Attend an upcoming fundraiser
Please check here for list of upcoming fundraisers! We hope to see you there! You can also check our Facebook page for event information.
Donate your car
You can donate your old car to Children's Skin Disease Foundation! Please visit our dedicated website through Car Donation Services to start the process.
Refer a camper
If you have a child or know of a child who would benefit from Camp Wonder, please fill out thr form here. We will add him/her to the list for the following camp. We accept campers from 6 - 16 with any diagnosed skin disease from any state in the US. Please see our FAQ page for more information.
Thank you for thinking of Camp Wonder!
Help Us Fundraise
Host a fundraiser for Camp Wonder! Over the years, we have been fortunate to have many people host a fundraisers from backyard BBQs to movie nights to CycleBar classes, get their corporations to give...There is no limit to how you can help children with skin disease! Please contact us to discuss your idea and event! Thank you for your support!
Volunteer at Camp Wonder
If you are interested in volunteering at Camp Wonder, please fill out the form here. You must be at least 17 to volunteer at camp as a cabin counselor. We have other volunteer oppotunities for anyone between the ages of 14 - 17 years.